
মঙ্গলবার, ২৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৬

How to Invite All Friends on Facebook

আজকের পোস্টা আমি English এ দিব আশা করি বুঝতে সমস্যা হবে না.

1.Using a Code to Invite All Friends

 1.Sign in to your Facebook account.

  2. Go to your Home page. Click “Home”

in the upper right corner of the page. You should see a yellow flag that shows Pages you have been invited to. 
Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 2Bullet1 You should see a calendar date icon that shows Events you have been invited to. 

 Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 2Bullet2

    • Highlight either the yellow flag or the calendar and click to take you to Page or Event invitations.
      Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 2Bullet3
    • If you want to create your own invitation, move on to the next step.
  1. Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 3
    Create an event and invitation.
    • To create an event, go to your profile or a page you manage. Find the “Events” option in the “More” tab. Fill out the event details. Then, click “Invite Friends” in the bottom left corner of the event creation dialog box.
      Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 3Bullet1
    • You can also invite friends after you have made the initial invitation using the same process as inviting people to an event invitation you have not created.
  2. Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 4
    Accept the invitation, if you did not set up the event or page. You will need to respond in order to invite friends.
    • Click “Like” if you want to send an invitation to a page.
      Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 4Bullet1
    • Click “Join” if you want to send an invitation to an event.
  3. Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 5
    Click on the right button to invite all your friends.
    • If you are looking at a newly liked Facebook page, scroll down and find the “Friends” section on the right. Click on “See All” above the Invite button. A list of your friends should pop up in a dialog box.
      Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 5Bullet1
    • If you are looking at an event, after you respond, you should see an “Invite Friends” button right under the event name and photo. Click it to bring up a dialog box with a list of your friends.
      Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 5Bullet2
  4. Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 6
    View all your friends. The first dialog box may only show the names of friends with whom you have had recent interactions.
    • If this is the case, click on the drop down menu that says “Recent Interactions” and select “Search by Name” to see all your friends.
      Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 6Bullet1
  5. Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 7
    Copy the following code without quotation marks: “javascript:var x=document.getElementsByTagName("input");for(var i=0;i<x.length;i++) {if (x[i].type == 'checkbox') {x[i].click();}}; alert('Done: please scroll and repeat until all your friends have been selected');”
  6. Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 8
    Paste the code inside your address bar. This is where the URL of the event or page is currently.
  7. Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 9
    Type the phrase “javascript:” without the quotation marks in front of the code you just pasted in.
    • When you paste the code the first time, Facebook automatically removes this portion. You need to add it back in to get the code to work.
  8. Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 10
    Move your cursor to the end of the code in the address bar. Click “Enter.”
    • All of the boxes next to your friend’s names should get checked and change color.
  9. Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 11 
    11Click the Invite button on the bottom right hand corner to extend your invitation to everyone.

    Using a Chrome Extension to Invite All Friends

    1. Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 12
      Download the Google Chrome browser, if you don’t have it already.
    2. Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 13
      Go to the Google Chrome web store.
    3. 3
      Copy and paste the words “Facebook Invite All Friends” into the search bar at the top of the page. Click “Enter.”
    4. Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 15
      Select “Facebook Invite All Friends Pro” from the list of available extensions. Click the “+ Free” button. [2]
    5. Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 16
      Click “Add” to download it to your Chrome browser. You may need to restart Chrome to use the extension.
    6. Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 17
      Log onto Facebook. Select a page or event that you want to recommend.
    7. Image titled Invite All Friends on Facebook Step 18
      Click “Invite Friends. When the dialog box pops up, you should have an option that says “Toggle All.” Click that button to select everyone.
    8.   Press the “Invite” button at the bottom of the dialog box to share the invitation.

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